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About Us
What is TMJ Therapy®

TMJ Therapy®
Developed in clinical practice through
over 40 years combined experience and
specialist knowledge.

Do You have TMJ Dysfunction or syndrome? Tried everything without success?
Need help and advice? You are in the right place.
Welcome to your online resource for treatment, advice and support for people with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder and Syndromes.
This website is aimed at helping people everywhere to find relief, for this debilitating condition.
The good news is that appropriately trained massage therapists are in a unique position to help you with this condition quickly and safely. Disorders of the muscles and soft tissues of the TMJ are the most common issues by TMJ patients
Even if there is a physical problem with the disc or the joint itself the muscles will often be involved and a significant improvement can be achieved with a combination of advanced techniques including trigger point work, craniosacral techniques and myofascial release.
Contact us today for help and advice or to access treatment near you.
Purchase our groundbreaking
TMJ Therapy® Self Help Programme
including your TMJ Therapy® Self Treatment Video Course
(total value £300) for a limited period of time for just £99
Click here to read more and to buy
Alternatively visit our Find A Therapist Page and view our Professional Register of TMJ Therapists® and Practitioners today!
What is TMJ Therapy®?
The World Health Organisation estimates that 1 in 4 people have TMJ.
However many people have this condition without knowing it. Symptoms are wide and varied. It may be difficult to receive a definitive diagnosis. Some may have it for many years without knowing. Medical intervention is often expensive and invasive with low success rates.
In 2000, after qualifying in massage, and with almost 20 years experience as a dental professional, Tracey Kiernan combined her knowledge and experience to create her unique TMJ Therapy® protocol.
Treating clients on referral from her dental surgeon, Tracey developed and refined her work over years of clinical practice. In 2005 she wrote her first 1 day introductory training course and the rest as they say is history.
Since then, her highly effective treatment protocol has been taught to hundreds of therapists in the UK, Ireland, Europe, USA and Australia who are helping relieve symptoms in 1-6 treatments.
This gentle, yet highly effective approach has been helping people for almost 20 years.
The protocol is made up of a unique blend of bodywork techniques, developed by Tracey herself in clinical practice.
As her knowledge and experience grew she began to understand the impact of the TMJ on the rest of the body.
With this in mind she developed her protocol further so that TMJ Therapists® are trained in a range of effective massage and myofascial techniques addressing not just the TMJ but the body as a whole.
A full body approach to treatment combining massage, trigger point work, myofascial release, direct fascial bodywork, cranial work, PNF stretching and rehabilitation exercises, to bring effective relief from the many symptoms of this often difficult to treat and debilitating condition in six treatments or less.
Tracey wanted together this highly effective programme out to help as many people as possible and so she also created a simple but highly effective self help programme for sufferers which is available to purchase online here:
This includes her new downloadable self help publication, Self Treatment Video Course and 2 live online face to face sessions with a TMJ Therapist®.
Want a face to face consultation or treatment?Visit Our Find a Therapist page to help you find a TMJ Therapy® practitioner near you.
Please note the register is being updated on a regular basis. If you cannot find someone in your area, consider purchasing the online self help course and you will be put into touch with a therapist who can work with you online over zoom.
Are you a Bodywork Therapist or
Dental Professional who would like to work in this specialised field of bodywork?
The Advanced Diploma in TMJ Therapy® is an in depth ONLINE and in person professional training event suitable for both experienced bodyworkers AND those who wish to qualify in this work.
This fully accredited and insurable qualification is open to anyone who would like to learn how to help those with TMJ. Recognised by all professional organisations and insurers.
Click here to learn more
TMJ Therapy® Online Training Course
Why A Full Body Approach To Treatment?
In his renowned book Anatomy Trains Tom Myers confirms that direct fascial lines connect the TMJ through the deep front line.
James Earls, respected author, and co-author with Tom Myers ( Born to Walk, Fascial Release For Structural Balance) global teacher (Anatomy Trains, Born to Walk) and fascial expert contributed the following in a full article on the importance of the TMJ written for Tracey in 2018:
“There are many obvious indicators to work in the area, the obvious being the common TMJ disorders but the jaw’s links to other areas may give it an extra importance for those with neck, shoulder, pelvic and lower limb issues.
Tensions can be carried up and down the body – jaw issues
can reflect down to the foot and vice versa. Without an
obvious indicator as to the origin of an issue, it can be difficult to be conclusive on who instigated the problem.”
Joanne Avison, Author and founding member of the Biotensegrity Interest Group wrote in an article especially for Tracey at the BFS in 2018 on this subject stating:
“There are many reflections between the arrangement of the pelvic girdle, the shoulder girdle and the cranium. These links include (and are not limited to) all the lateral diaphragms (pelvic floor, respiratory diaphragm, thoracic inlet, floor of the mouth and palette).
When seeing from a biotensegrity point of view, knowing that everything is connected continuously throughout our form, we begin to understand that any dysfunction in one closed kinematic chain can cause (or be caused by) another area of the body (apparently remote) in a compensatory structural pattern, given their interconnected relationships.
In order to self-organise from the ground up and manage the forces being transmitted through all the connective tissues, movement is calibrated throughout the body and Biotensegrity is very helpful in explaining how economically those forces are distributed. When a joint, such as the TMJ is not functioning optimally, it can be a response to (or a cause of) a corresponding disorganisation elsewhere; such as the shoulder or pelvic girdles, since they are all so profoundly related from the globally organised model that Biotensegrity offers.”
Joanne Avison
Author: YOGA: Fascia, Anatomy & Movement, Handspring 2015 Member of Founding Biotensegrity Interest Group
Further Reading: Joanne also cites the following work by Graham Scarr:
(Graham Scarr, CBiol., FRSB., DO, Helen Harrison, BDS., MFGDP Resolving the problems and controversies surrounding tempero-mandibular mechanics Journal of Applied
Biomedicine 2016.03.003 Volume 14, Issue 3, August 2016, Pages 177-185.
TMJ and Bruxism (Tooth Grinding)
Many people with TMJ will find that they grind their teeth at night. Most dentists would consider this to be the cause of their TMJ.
Knowing what we know now about fascia and unwinding it may be more likely that the TMJ has been caused by something else, and is then causing the bruxism (tooth grinding) as the jaw tries to release itself during sleep. TMJ Therapy has helped people with bruxism to find relief and improve their sleep.
The Eco Center, 125a Ullet Road, Liverpool, L17 2AB
Phone: 01942 621334
Mobile: 0773 969 4056
If you have any queries, questions or interest feel free to write to us by submitting a message using the form on the right.
Office hours are;
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Course Venue
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